Homeowners Insurance – What is the difference between a Hip vs. a Gable Roof?

Hip Roof A hip roof, or hipped roof, is a type of roof where all sides slope downwards to the walls, usually with a fairly gentle slope. Thus it is a house with no gables or other vertical sides to the roof. Example of a hip roof: Gable Roof A gable is the generally triangular […]

Temporary Health Insurance Florida

Temporary Health Insurance Florida | Florida Health Insurance Short Term CLICK HERE TO QUOTE AND APPLY The primary reason you might want to consider a Florida health insurance short term policy is if you are in perfect health without any prior medical issues and are between jobs. The downside to temporary health insurance Florida is […]

Florida Life Insurance – The Critical Illness Policy

With the high cost of Florida health insurance these days, many people are looking for a solution to lower their premium outlay, but don’t want to risk financial exposure if a catastrophic claim hits.  What are the solutions to lower costs while keeping well protected?  This article will explain one piece of the puzzle, a […]

Life Insurance in Florida – Who Should Own A Policy?

Everyone should own some life insurance in Florida as a safeguard of their financial security. There are quite a few factors to consider while selecting a policy. Life insurance in Florida can be relatively inexpensive. The most appropriate time to attain a policy is when you are young and healthy and if you are a smoker, quit if you […]

Whole Life Insurance Florida – Learn All About It Here

The most popular form of life insurance these days is Florida term life insurance. Term buys you more death benefit than whole life for a lower premium. But, it will end after a number of years. Alternatively, some people want their life insurance to last, well, for their entire life. This is where whole life insurance […]

Florida Health Plans – The Three Types of Plans

There are enough Florida health plans to make a potential insured’s head spin. From health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to point of service (POS) to preferred provider organizations (PPOs), the possibilities are endless. But by understanding these three different types of health plans, you can help to guarantee that you make an informed choice regarding your health […]