Florida Life Insurance – The Critical Illness Policy

With the high cost of Florida health insurance these days, many people are looking for a solution to lower their premium outlay, but don’t want to risk financial exposure if a catastrophic claim hits.  What are the solutions to lower costs while keeping well protected?  This article will explain one piece of the puzzle, a […]

Life Insurance in Florida – Who Should Own A Policy?

Everyone should own some life insurance in Florida as a safeguard of their financial security. There are quite a few factors to consider while selecting a policy. Life insurance in Florida can be relatively inexpensive. The most appropriate time to attain a policy is when you are young and healthy and if you are a smoker, quit if you […]

Whole Life Insurance Florida – Learn All About It Here

The most popular form of life insurance these days is Florida term life insurance. Term buys you more death benefit than whole life for a lower premium. But, it will end after a number of years. Alternatively, some people want their life insurance to last, well, for their entire life. This is where whole life insurance […]