A Florida Life Insurance Agent – Assistance Isn’t Too Difficult to Attain

One of the interesting things regarding capitalism is that it encourages competition, which drives down prices for buyers. But with choices come responsibility: we are responsible for selecting the product or service that best suits our needs. You can go the easy route and simply pay for the most expensive policy and hope it’s the best, or you can simply pick the lowest costing policy and pray it offers enough coverage. But an informed buyer will settle for nothing less than the correct policy … Continue reading...

Florida Health Plan – Tips to Help You Locate the Optimal Plan

Looking for health insurance can be a challenge. But it does not have to be. Luckily, the State of Florida has a regulatory body that is dedicated to making certain that residents receive carrier-direct premiums. This is a comforting thought to be aware of as you look for the Florida health plan that’s perfect for you and your family. If you are still intimidated by the size of this task, you can also rest assured that there are resources available to help you to make sure that you get the plan … Continue reading...

Health Insurance FL – How to Shop for Florida Health Insurance

Florida (state abbreviation: FL) is a beautiful state in many ways. It has sunshine, warm climate, and the FL Department of Insurance, which regulates the insurance rates to make sure that every resident receives carrier-direct rates. In this great state, you can also get a ten day “Free Look Period” at your potential insurance policy, with a money-back guarantee. These are great incentives to buy health insurance, and that’s not even taking into account the protection from very large medical … Continue reading...

Florida Health Plans–Group Carve-Outs

With the premiums the way they are today, ever increasing, many people are looking for a solution to curb a Florida health plans cost. The nice feature about group health insurance is that everyone is accepted. Current or past health conditions don’t count against you. Usually, group plans are very robust with low out of pocket expense and nominal copays. It’s also common to have a policy with maternity coverage too. The main issue with group plans are the cost. Most employees are unaware of … Continue reading...

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida–Plan Spotlight

Early this year, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida combined two plans to give its members increased benefits at a very affordable rate.  The plan is called Blue Options Health Plan 700 also known as Hospital / Surgical Plus, which is a Florida individual health insurance plan. You may have seen BCBS’ commercials promoting Go Blue coverage.  This coverage is great for people who can’t ordinarily qualify for a major medical plan.  It doesn’t offer hospital or surgical benefits, but will give … Continue reading...

Florida Medigap Insurance – Bridging the Gap between Medicare and Your Needs

Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap: these are all programs that were implemented by the federal government. But which one applies to you? If you are a retiree living in Florida, then Medicare and Medigap are the ones you need to understand. The United States government, as well as the State of Florida, is committed to making sure that senior citizens have options open to them so that they can find and retain quality, affordable healthcare insurance that provides adequate coverage for all of their … Continue reading...

Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits

Medicare prescription drug benefits, or Part D, reach three stages throughout the year as the plan and the member pay for the cost of medication.  Here are the three stages: Stage 1 Initial Coverage Stage The plan pays its share of the cost of member drugs and the member pays their share of the cost. The member stays in this stage until their payments for the year plus the plan’s payments total $2,840. Stage 2 Coverage Gap Stage The member pays 93% of generic drug cost and a discounted … Continue reading...

Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans (MAPD)

Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans are also known as MAPD’s.  Many Medicare Advantage plans include a prescription drug benefit, but not all.  If a plan is marked Medicare Advantage or MA, there is no drug benefit as part of the plan. If you elect an MAPD plan, there is no need for and you can not purchase a Part D plan, which is a prescription drug plan or PDP.  In fact, if you apply for PDP plan during an eligible election period and currently have an MA or MAPD plan in place, you may … Continue reading...

Understanding The Florida Medicare Supplement

There are few things more confusing to the lay person than Medicare. Most retirees know that it’s a social medical insurance program run by the United States government, but that’s where common knowledge about it usually ends. And even more confusing is the optional Medicare supplement. Instead of leaving you to wonder what it is, who needs it, and how you qualify for it, we’re taking the time to summarize the essentials about the Florida Medicare supplement for your convenience. Since Florida … Continue reading...

Florida Medicare Supplement–A Financially Sound Decision

2011 Original Medicare Out of Pocket Costs Medicare Part A (Hospital Coverage) Deductible – You are responsible for a $1,132 in-patient hospital deductible for each benefit period.  A benefit period ends when you don’t go for treatment for 60 days in a row.  After the 60 days lapses, you are asked to pay another deductible of $1,132 again.  So, this is not a calendar year deductible. First 60 Days – After the Medicare Part A deductible, Medicare pays all eligible expenses for services from … Continue reading...