Simple Recommendations to Lower Your Florida Auto Insurance Rate

When you combine the price of a car, its maintenance and the expense to keep the tank full of gas, most consumers have trouble paying their Florida auto insurance rate. No matter which state you live in, carrying auto insurance is mandatory. Before you go out looking for a new policy, figure out what levels of coverage is best for you. For some people, liability only policies will suffice.  For others, added protection is of more importance to protect assets in the event of an accident.


The good news is that many carriers are available to choose from, giving you the advantage of marketplace competition. We will be outlining some important recommendations to find low cost autoFlorida-auto-insurance-rate insurance Florida.


Now that you have considered the level of coverage that is right for you, running quotes from multiple carriers is the next step. It should go without saying, the more quotes you collect, the better chance you have in saving money. Find a broker who can offer you many quotes, like RTC Insurance Advisors! This is the single-most important piece of advice we can offer you. During your quest for a new policy, you will find many brokerages delivering side-by-side quote comparisons.


Just like Progressive offers alternative carrier quotes, you will find other nationwide carriers giving you the ability to shop on their site for the best Florida auto insurance rate. If you have a few hours to run quotes, it’ll be easy for you to determine which single carrier can help you save the most. Depending on your state, often times, you can receive a bundling discount if you wrap your auto and homeowners policy together and have one insurer protect both of your top assets. In Florida, the best way to keep your home and auto insurance premiums down is to keep the policies with two separate companies.  This is true because national carriers don’t sell homeowners insurance here. You will still be eligible for a homeowners discount if you do own a home and sign up for a new auto insurance policy. This can cut 5%-10% off your rate!


As we mature, rates come down because we are thought of as better drivers.  We also purchase safer vehicles and companies reward you with lower premiums for these factors. You may also find savings by attending a defensive driving course or subscribing to on-star if your car allows for it. Please keep in mind, the ultimate savings is still comparing policies in an apples to apples format.


If you deploy some of these tips, we know you will save some money and become a better informed shopper. Even after you sign up with a new company, you will be offered certain other tips to lower your rate even more.  We at RTC Insurance Advisors have even more ideas for you.  Call today for a quote comparison at 352-200-2066 and lower your Florida auto insurance rate.


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