Cigna Healthcare, similar to Aetna, is an enormous company and serves many corporations with group health insurance. They are very easy to work with and have exceptional customer service. You will find their plans are priced perfectly for the Florida insurance marketplace and they are on the forefront of healthcare reform.
This is a company who will not put an exclusionary rider on your policy for a pre-existing condition. You will find HSA and copay type plans from Cigna and they give a range of deductibles from $1,000 to $10,000 to find a balance between out of pocket tolerance and premium savings. All their copay plans are unlimited, meaning you won't be limited to the number of times you can see your Doctor before the copay feature disappears. If you opt for their open access plan, not the value series plan, you will gain an ER copay which no other company offers. If you have a true emergency, then you are only asked to pay your copay and you won't need to meet any deductibles.
Florida health insurance quotes
It has been said that if you lock in a plan now, you can keep it through 12 months and won't have to choose a healthcare reform plan. This could save you money. To see what Cigna has to offer, call us now at 352-200-2066 or click the banner below to be taken to their secure website where you can view their Florida health insurance quotes and apply online.