A house is probably the most important possession anybody can ever have. It is the place where his loved ones and family lives in. It is the place where they rest, eat, bond, rest and go home to at the end of the day. A home is a person’s refuge. A home shelters the family […]
Florida Medigap Insurance – Bridging the Gap between Medicare and Your Needs
Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap: these are all programs that were implemented by the federal government. But which one applies to you? If you are a retiree living in Florida, then Medicare and Medigap are the ones you need to understand. The United States government, as well as the State of Florida, is committed to making sure […]
Understanding The Florida Medicare Supplement
There are few things more confusing to the lay person than Medicare. Most retirees know that it’s a social medical insurance program run by the United States government, but that’s where common knowledge about it usually ends. And even more confusing is the optional Medicare supplement. Instead of leaving you to wonder what it is, […]
Florida Medigap – What is It, and Who Needs It?
Medicare is a social insurance program implemented by the United States government. It provides basic medical coverage for people over sixty-five. But what is Medigap, and who needs it? Medigap is a program that provides additional medical insurance to qualifying senior citizens at an affordable price. Medigap includes ten different programs, which were standardized by […]
Florida Medicare Supplemental Insurance – Everything You Need to Know
If you’re confused by Medicare supplement insurance Florida, you are not alone. Between Medicare Plan A and Medicare Plan B and all ten of the available Medicare Supplements, labeled A through N, of course, it’s hard to keep your letters straight. But getting a general understanding of your options through Medicare isn’t that difficult, and […]
Medicare Supplement Insurance Florida – The Basics of Medigap
Florida is home to many retirees. This gives the state a special responsibility to provide services for its senior citizens that help them to stay in good health. One of the services available to senior citizens throughout the entire United States is Medicare, the government administered social insurance program that offers basic medical coverage to […]